If there’s one thing to know about poodles, it’s that they can be very hyper and lively! This makes them great as pets for the entire family, especially for children who love to play. However, there are such a thing as TOO hyper and lively, which can result in lots of messes from running around, sleepless nights with poodles jumping on you, and annoyances.
But not to worry, as this is usually just a phase and your poodle will calm down soon enough. When do standard poodles calm down anyway, is there an exact time? Read on to find out!

When Do Standard Poodles Calm Down?
Poodles generally have a calm disposition, but they tend to be very lively, especially in their younger years. This is totally normal and would change, as your poodle goes through different stages as they grow and develop. I will show you the timeline of the standard poodle and when they begin calming down.
1. Young Puppies
Obviously, puppies that are a few weeks old won’t be able to move around as much. They are still exploring and learning how to perform the basic actions dogs do, such as bark, walk, and experiment with their newfound senses (like sight).
Poodle puppies that are 2-4 months old would be very hyper and love playing around. When they are engaged, they’ll interact a lot until they become tired, passing out for a nap even in the middle of playtime.
Puppies, just like children, don’t know the limits, which is why you should have to schedule breaks to avoid your puppy overexerting energy and overdoing things. Besides this, puppies are very curious and require more socialization to prevent being too hyper and chewing on toys out of frustration.

2. Older Puppies
Once your puppy hits the 4-month mark they will begin to calm down just a bit, as they grow and develop. This is because they are slowly understanding the daily schedule and learning to be more patient about playtime and other things. Furthermore, they are already taking in lessons from their training sessions, and you’ve probably finished housebreaking them.
This is the pivotal age for most dog breeds, actually! If your poodle is sheltered and not introduced to his outdoor environment, he may be shy and nervous, which can trigger hyperactivity and have him bark a lot. Don’t worry, as proper training, proper socialization, and introduction to the outside world can lessen these hyper actions.
3. Adult Dogs
Standard poodles reach the adult age once they are 2 years old, though you may notice some signs of maturity and changes in their behavior when they reach 18 months old. While their behavior won’t change overnight, you can expect adult poodles to be even calmer at this age when it comes to chewing, walking everywhere, and needing constant attention.
Poodles have already learned to calm themselves down and self-soothe, playing independently. They will be able to stay at home alone for long periods, though some dogs may still feel some anxiety and feel hyper, especially if they haven’t been trained yet.
4. Senior Dogs
When dogs hit their senior years, which is between 7-9 years old, the behavioral changes are unique towards all poodles. Some poodles may still be as peppy and active during their senior years, as they were when they were adults. However, some poodles may show signs of old age already, calming down, and not wanting to play around as much as they did before.
In fact, senior poodles may most likely stay at home spending their time sleeping and cuddling next to their owners, content with staying in one place. They still need walks now and then, but not as much intense playtime and runs around the park for miles.
Calming a Hyper Poodle
Sometimes, your poodle may be very hyper due to stress and anxiety. You will know they feel uncomfortable if they jump a lot, walk around in circles, or constantly bark.
If this happens, you can help them calm down within minutes with the right solutions. Here are quick tips to calm down your hyper poodle:
- Give your poodle regular exercise, such as short walks throughout the day or playtime indoors. This is important as a lack of physical and mental exercise can cause hyperactivity!
- Train your poodle and give proper voice commands to help them realize that their anxious and hyper behavior is inappropriate
- Invest in interactive toys that can help calm your poodle down, as well as delicious treats so she stays busy and stimulates his brain
- You can put your poodle in time out to help him calm down, placing him in a crate or room without any distractions. This can help him focus to calm down, so let him stay in there for 10 minutes, repeating this process if he isn’t relaxed yet.
- Try a relaxant or homemade relaxant so your poodle can calm down, using lavender oil mixed with water.
- If your poodle continues to show hyper or anxious behavior regularly, he may need to be taken to the vet to rule out any conditions. The veterinarian may also provide medication and other treatments to help lessen the over-hyperactivity.
Wrapping It Up
I understand how irritating it is dealing with a dog that is too hyper, but with patience and lots of love, they will be able to calm down in time. As they reach adulthood, they will begin to feel more relaxed and stop chewing on the furniture or need to run around as much. Just look at the positive side and enjoy the liveliness of your poodle now!
I hope that this article answers your question: “When do standard poodles calm down?” Now that you know the answer to this, make sure that you provide your poodle the right love and attention they need to prevent being too hyper.