Dog Nose Change From Black to Brown: The Interesting Facts Revealed

Did you know that there’s more to a dog than just their adorable looks and loyal demeanor? They’re extremely intelligent and have a LOT of differences compared to humans, with their noses being pretty interesting! Did you know that a dog’s nose doesn’t just smell and sense extremely well? They even change colors!

You might have noticed that your dog nose changes from black to brown. While it’s pretty cool, it must have made you wonder if it was something to be wary of. Well, I did the research and asked the experts to explain why this happens, so read on as I talk about your dog’s nose color.

dog nose change from black to brown
A brown nose of Labrador.

Dog Nose Change From Black to Brown: What It Means

You’ve probably seen your dog’s nose change from black to brown, or even another color! While this is a bit amusing to watch, there are actually different causes as to why this happens. Some can be normal, while others need attention, such as:

It’s a Birthmark or the Cold

When your dog’s nose changes from black to brown or a lighter color, it comes from depigmentation. Sometimes, dogs are born with a depigmented nose, found in certain breeds like:

Besides this, no sunlight during cold weather has their nose become lighter. Not to worry though, the color comes back once the sun and summer season comes. This one’s common on dogs such as:

White Siberian Husky with a snow nose
White Siberian Husky with a snow nose.

Any Internal Causes or Skin Disorders

Your dog’s nose can change color due to an underlying condition that needs treating! It can be a result of bodily dysfunctions such as:

  • Autoimmune or systemic diseases or disorders
  • Vitamin B complex deficiency
  • Skin cancer

So disorders such as hypothyroidism, Vitiligo, Lupus, pemphigus, or the uveodermatologic syndrome can cause the change of nose color. If you notice your dog has other symptoms that are usually associated with the disorder, it’s best to have him checked!

The Dudley Nose or Nasal Depigmentation

This is actually a genetic anomaly which causes a discoloration of your dog’s nose. It’s also known as nasal depigmentation, which causes your dog’s nose to turn either pink or white.

While the color may never change back, it, fortunately, doesn’t pose any risk to your dog’s health. Sometimes, it comes seasonally and your dog’s nose regains its pigment randomly!

Any Allergies or Bacterial Infection

When your dog is exposed to something he’s allergic to, then most likely both his nose and lips are affected. Sometimes it can come from plastic, what he sniffs or eats, or from the weather change. You’ll notice that the now depigments and that the area looks sore and inflamed.

It’s best to have him checked to find out what he’s allergic to and to reduce the symptoms.

Exposure to the Sun

Besides what can happen within the body, an external cause of depigmentation comes from the sun! Did you know that dogs are even more sensitive to the sun compared to humans? Because of this, their skin, specifically their noses, are vulnerable to a lot of exposure from the UV rays.

As a result, any irritation or burns on the nose causes depigmentation. That’s why you may have noticed street dogs have spotted or lighter noses!

Where You Feed Him

Did you know that using plastic water or food bowls can contribute to your dog’s nose and lip depigmentation? This condition is known as the plastic dish nasal dermatitis. It’s caused by a chemical called p-benzyl hydroquinone, which is found in rubber or plastic.

When absorbed to the skin, melanin production lessens, which results in loss of pigment. That’s why you might want to consider changing the bowls to stainless steel and placing the bowls in strategic areas.

Old Age

Young puppies have flesh-colored noses when they’re born. Once they grow and develop, it becomes black, or dark brown, depending on their breed and external factors.

As they turn into adults, their nose color stays the same for life. However, when they reach senior age, it starts to become a bit lighter and depigmented. It’s due to the Tyrosinase enzyme, which weakens as your dog ages. You shouldn’t worry though, as this is normal and indicates your dog’s growing older.

Learn more about your dog’s noses and their other facts with this cool video:

Wrapping It Up

There aren’t many studies or explanations as to why our dog’s noses change colors. While this may signify underlying conditions, it’s also sometimes about growth and normal development. But if they continue experiencing other symptoms besides their nose colors, it may be time to take them to the vet.

I hope this article on the dog nose change from black to brown colors helped you out. So don’t wait any longer and begin learning more about your dog’s overall health now.

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