5 Tips for Pet-Proofing Your Living Room

Owning a pet is one of the many ways to make life worth living, they are so full of love, happiness, and are loyal to the core. Unfortunately, those same bundles of furry joy are also known for chewing furniture, peeing on carpets, and shedding boatloads of fur… Luckily for us, there are ways around those bad parts, which will leave you all the time in the world to enjoy the best parts. You can adequately pet-proof your living room by following these 5 simple steps below:

1. Choose Your Furniture Wisely

Our furry little four-legged friends love to spend as much time with us as possible; if you invest in the right furniture options for your living room then you’ll make life easier for all of you. Choose the best pet-friendly couches by paying attention to the color and material options you choose. Most of the right options will be made from material that is easy to clean and vacuum.

2. Pet Toys

Buy your cute pup some pet-friendly toys to keep them occupied whilst you are sleeping or away from home. Pet toys are often well-designed so they won’t include anything that could be a choking hazard to your pet. Invest in quality toys, that way you will have peace of mind when it comes to your pup chewing on them. Pet toys are particularly useful when your puppy is going through its teething phase and they are a great way to exercise your canine companion.

3. Tidy Up

Much like children, pets are often attracted to brightly colored objects and will be more inclined to play with things that are left lying around. The safest way to protect your pet, and your possessions, is to make sure that your living room is always clean and tidy. Your pet will be more likely to chew the objects you have last touched so pack away items like remote controls, pens, and charger cables before you go to bed at night. If you don’t have anywhere to put these items then at the least you need to store them in a place that is out of reach for your pet.

4. Bubble Wrap

If your favorite animal is still learning how to behave properly inside your home then it is a good idea to wrap a lot of bubble wrap around the legs of your coffee table to prevent their little teeth from making holes in them. Once your pet is older, and hopefully wiser, you can remove this precautionary measure.

5. Opt For Tiles

If your living room has wall-to-wall carpeting then you are going to have a hard time with your fur kids. Besides the potty training element, carpets become a breeding ground for fleas and other parasites that your pooch could bring in from outside. Carpets will also need to be vacuumed often, most likely daily, so your best bet is to opt for tiles. If you live in a cold climate then consider heated flooring under those tiles for the chilly winters – your pets will love that just as much as you will.

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