Owning a pet provides you with some of the best days of your life and one of the worst. These suggestions will help you honor the memory of your cherished pet.
Pet owners treat their pets like children. How often have you picked up the dog or cat as if it were a baby and gotten a good cuddle? This bond that we form with our pets makes it difficult to say goodbye to them once they are gone. After all, losing a pet is akin to losing a member of your family. Although they will always live on in memory, there are physical ways you can remember them and the time they spent with you before they crossed the rainbow bridge.

Honoring a Pet’s Memory
There are many ways you can honor your pet’s memory which will impact positive changes on the world or give you and your family a space to grieve that loss. Here are top suggestions on how to honor a deceased pet which you loved.
1 – Save the Ashes
Saving your pet’s ashes is a lovely way to ensure that they are always with you. Not all insurance providers will pay for the ashes to be returned to you, so make sure you ask beforehand. Pet urns for ashes come in beautiful colors, shapes, and sizes. You can scatter some in the places they loved to walk and keep the rest by your side, just as they were in life. You can also opt for a burial.
2 – The Tennis Ball Treats
If your dog particularly loved to play fetch, then a great way to honor them is to bring lots of tennis balls to the local dog walking park. If you restock the tennis balls often and place a photo of your dog in the basket, people will play fetch in your dog’s name for as long as that basket stays full.
3 – Framing their Clothing
Buying clothing for a pet is only possible if they are large enough to wear it. A dog, cat, or horse might have blankets or special clothes they wear. Have these framed or immortalize them in epoxy resin so you can hang them on the wall and never forget.
4 – The Pet Portrait
It is never too late to have an artist draw a picture of your pet. If you have photographs or videos of your lost loved one, you can find an artist capable of capturing their life on paper. A pet portrait will strike everyone who knew them as they walk into your home. It’s another lovely way to honor a passed pet.
5 – Plant a Tree
Why wouldn’t you want to plant a tree using a handful of ashes and a beloved picture. You can place a plaque at the base of the tree or wait until it is grown thick enough to add a plaque to the trunk. Either way, a tree will last for many lifetimes, especially if it is planted in memorial.
Never Forget
Lastly, never forget the love they gave you, even if you can’t afford a memorial. Sitting in their favorite park now and then is enough to remember them by. Love lasts a lifetime if it never leaves your heart.