Is your Dachshund predisposed to a certain disease?
As a pet owner, you only want what is best for your dog. Early on, you want to be aware of any illnesses that your furry pal is predisposed to because of its genetics. This is why we have compiled this list of Dachshund common health problems for your guidance.
Discover more about the different health conditions Dachshunds are bound to develop throughout its lifetime including ways to counter these issues. By being aware of these things before adoption, you will be more prepared to ensure your dog’s overall wellness.

What are the Common Health Problems of Dachshunds
Dachshunds have a unique body shape and size. They have long bodies that nearly touch the ground due to their very short and chunky legs. To add to their total length are their long and thin tails.
Their elongated bodies make them prone to many health problems such as those that are skeletal. But other diseases impact other parts of their body including their eyes, thyroid, and a few others.
1. Intervertebral Disk Disease
Dachshunds are likely to develop herniated disks located in their lower back because of their stunted legs. The legs struggle with supporting their weight, which can cause neck and lower back pain to these dogs.
To help your dog to manage the pain and to minimize further damages to their lower back, it is important to prevent your dog from performing certain activities that are taxing to their spine. When going up and down the stairs, always carry your dog to minimize spinal issues.
2. Hypothyroidism
Is your Dachshund just plain obese or something else is going on?
It is easy to confuse hypothyroidism with overweight issues or obesity. But the main reason behind the weight gain is the minimal thyroid hormone produced in the body. By age 1 to 3 years, some Dachshunds may be observed to be putting on more weight.
How can you tell if your dog is suffering from hypothyroidism? Some symptoms include lethargy and sluggishness. However, it can be tough to diagnose this condition, although treatment is widely available to address this problem effectively.
3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy
This is a genetic disorder that impacts the retina of the eye. While it starts slowly, this visual impairment worsens over time. It is common among older Dachshunds.
Common symptoms of this eye problem are night blindness and dilated pupils. Your dog may be struggling to recognize things in the dark or dim-light situations. Sadly, there is currently no known treatment for this disease.

4. Glaucoma
Another hereditary eye problem, glaucoma is the primary cause of canine blindness. Dogs who have this problem have an excessive production of fluid in their eye that blurs and eventually impairs their vision.
Since this ailment is caused by genetics, it is important to have your dog tested before adoption or before breeding.
5. Skin Disease
Just like most dogs, Dachshunds are also prone to skin problems such as sarcoptic mange and flea allergy dermatitis. Watch out for symptoms of these skin issues including inflamed skin, hair loss, flaky coat, and itchy skin.
When there are fleas present in its coat, your dog is likely to be suffering from flea allergy dermatitis. Excessive itching and scratching or biting its tail are tell-tale signs that you need to get your pet checked. Common treatments include a special diet and medication.
6. Back Injuries
As mentioned earlier, Dachshunds are more likely to suffer from an injury on their back because of their anatomical composition. Their legs are too short to fully support their long and sometimes stocky bodies. This is why it can impact their back.
High-impact activities make things worse for your Dachshund’s spine. These include jumping, stair-climbing, and excessive running. Be sure to give him exercise but avoid these activities that do more harm than good to your pet.
7. Obesity
Poor diet and lack of exercise increase a Dachshund’s chances of becoming obese. This condition puts your dog at a higher risk of back issues, as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, and joint diseases.
Be sure to monitor your dog’s weight and keep track of his diet. Give the right amount of food and provide regular exercise to your pet to reverse and even prevent obesity in your dog.
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There may be numerous diseases that can affect a DAchshund throughout its lifetime. However, these can be prevented through certain measures and practices that will contribute to its well-being.
With proper diet and physical activities suitable to this dog breed, you can help your dog achieve excellent health and a longer lifespan. A regular visit to the vet is also important as this can help diagnose potential health conditions early on and prevent them from getting worse.