The Different Border Collie Eye Problems to Watch Out For

Whether you’re planning to get a Border Collie or already own one, it’s crucial to prepare! Not only should you prepare the various equipment they’ll need for better health and care, but you also have to learn what to expect from them. After all, Border Collies have unique traits, just as all dog breeds do!

With that said, you also have to prepare for the possible sicknesses they may have. Unfortunately, this breed is also victim to different diseases, including Border Collie eye problems. Learning about the eye diseases and issues they may have in the long run can help you perform preventative measures or treat them immediately fora longer and fulfilling life for your pet.

Border Collie Eye Problems

With that said, what are the eye problems to look out for? Read on as I show you all the common Border Collie eye problems!

Border Collie Eye Problems: The Collie Eye Defect

close-up eye from a border collie

Fortunately, there aren’t many Border Collie eye problems to watch out for. However, there is an extremely common one and should be monitored, which is Collie Eye Anomaly.

This is an eye condition that’s also commonly known as the Collie eye defect. It’s an inherited congenital condition which is caused by mutation of chromosomes that determine eye development of dogs. As a result, the dog’s choroid (a collection of blood vessels which absorb scattered light and are responsible for nourishing the retina) stays underdeveloped.

Besides underdevelopment of chromosomes, it can also result in other eye defects which can cause severe consequences. I’ll explain the other symptoms in the next section.

If the Border Collie suffers from this mutation, it happens in both eyes, sometimes with one being more severe compared to the other. Unfortunately, the percentage of Collies who have this defect is quite high, with up to 67% of rough and smooth Collies in Great Britain and the United States being affected.

Fortunately, it isn’t as bad on Border Collies, though still something to watch out for.

The Symptoms and Types of Eye Defects

The usual signs and symptoms of this defect can vary from dog to dog. For some Collies, it isn’t as bad while for others, it may lead to vision loss because of the intensity of the defect. The severity of the symptoms depends on the size and locations of holes in the eye’s layers, which determine if your dog will experience slight or total vision loss.

Besides this, the defect can also cause retinal detachment. Unfortunately, there aren’t any noticeable warning signs until your Collie shows signs of blindness. You may be able to detect an underdeveloped choroid early in puppies, which is why early examination as a puppy is necessary.

There are different types or stages the eye defect has, some of which are more obvious compared to others. Other associate eye conditions which can come with the eye defect include:

  • Microphthalmia- When eyeballs are smaller than usual
  • Enophthalmia- Eyeballs are sunken in its sockets
  • Anterior Corneal Stromal Mineralization

Why Does It Happen?

The main reason why your Collie might suffer from this defect boils down to chromosome 37. This defect only happens to animals who have parent/s that suffer this genetic mutation. So while the parents may not experience or be affected by this mutation, their offspring can be.

There may also be other genetics involved, which is why some Collies can experience mild to severe symptoms and vision loss.

Read more:

Diagnosis and Treatment

The veterinarian will conduct a thorough eye examination to determine the extent of CEA. This is best done while they are still puppies to treat it immediately, lessening the chances of severe to total blindness.

Once diagnosed, the vision isn’t expected to worsen unless there is a hole around the dog’s eyes. If found, then the veterinarian will need to monitor these holes carefully. While the condition can’t be reversed, surgery may be done to minimize the disorder’s effects.

How to Prevent It

Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to prevent this defect from happening once pregnancy occurs. The only way to prevent dogs from getting this eye defect is to NOT breed dogs that carry the gene.

Learn more about the Border Collie and any possible sicknesses they may get with this helpful pet profile video:

Wrapping It Up

While these eye problems can cause worry to dog owners, not to worry! Most of these are completely treatable and can be prevented with the proper tools and checkups. Remember to always have your Border Collie’s eyes regularly checked and that you monitor them in case of other symptoms.

Hopefully, this article on the different Border Collie eye problems helped you out! So don’t wait any longer and educate yourself on what else to expect from Border Collies now.

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