Raising a Border Terrier: A Guide for a First-Time Pet Parent

Pet ownership is popular in the US, with millions of homes raising an animal as a part of the family. Recent statistics establish that dogs are the most loved pet in the country. According to a 2023 survey, 65.1 million households owned at least one canine. That’s no surprise because these furry buddies make loyal and loving companions.

Another incredible fact for dog lovers is the sheer number of options when it comes to raising a dog. The American Kennel Club registers nearly 200 breeds, and this number doesn’t even include mixed-breed dogs like the Goldendoodle and cockapoo. As a first-timer, you may be overwhelmed and spoiled for choice.

A Border Terrier is a great option, even if you don’t have past experience raising pets. You can easily align with the responsibilities of pet parenting and make this cute little canine a part of the family. For beginners, knowing what to expect during the pet ownership journey always makes sense. 

Let us share a comprehensive guide about raising a Border Terrier.

Raising a Border Terrier: A Guide for a First-Time Pet Parent

Living With a Border Terrier

Bringing a pet home is a commitment, even more, for first-timers who hardly know about the responsibilities it entails. Feeding, grooming, training, and regular vet visits become integral parts of your routine as a dog owner. 

Let us explain the basics of living with a Border Terrier for each of these aspects: 


An adult dog’s daily diet should have 50% carbs, 5.5% fats, and 10% protein. The nutritional requirements of every breed differ. It means dog owners cannot take a one size fits all approach. Border Terriers have huge appetites despite their small size. They can be greedy, so you need to monitor their food intake. 

Being an active breed, they have high nutritional needs. Ensure a healthy diet high in protein and grains. You may need to customize according to the pet’s activity level, but ditch the temptation of overfeeding or sharing your meals. It’s a mistake beginners often make.


Grooming is an easy part when it comes to raising a Border Terrier because the breed is inherently low-maintenance. Like other double-coated breeds, it sheds twice a year during seasonal changes. iBorderTerrier.com notes that these are the only times you need to go the extra mile with brushing and grooming to prevent excess shedding.

It’s natural to be concerned if someone in your family has allergies. Are Border Terriers hypoallergenic? Fortunately, you don’t need to worry because they shed less, which cuts the risk. Besides brushing, cleaning ears, trimming nails, and oral care are other aspects of keeping your canine friend at its best.


Training the breed is also easy for first-timers because Borders are quick learners. Exercise keeps them happy, so that’s the best way to train your pet. Not having enough exercise can make it mischievous and restless. You must create a dedicated routine to keep your pet happy and build trust and bonding. 

Rewarding good behavior consistently is crucial because these dogs are eager to please. A low-calorie treat and positive reinforcement are good enough to keep your Border Terrier obedient and happy during the training sessions. 


Knowing the common health issues in your pet breed always helps as it enables you to keep an eye on potential symptoms. Border Terriers are susceptible to conditions such as diabetes, Cushing’s disease, seizures, gastrointestinal issues, eye and dental diseases, and skin problems. 

Research the symptoms of each condition to detect them early and seek help sooner than later. Regular vet visits are essential, even if your canine companion is young and healthy. Consider it a maintenance check to prevent issues and address them before they become serious.

Understanding the Temperament & Behavior

Besides physical maintenance, dogs require emotional bonding and care. Knowing the temperament and behavior of your furry friend gives you a head start.  Border Terriers make great family dogs because they are playful, affectionate, and sociable. They fit well in young families with kids.

Since the breed is born to chase, you can expect your pet to zip across the garden to pursue small animals and birds and dig holes in the yard. You need to worry less about separation anxiety with the breed because Border Terriers are independent and self-assured. They still love attention and cuddling, so give your dog enough of both. 


Your journey as a new pet parent can be a breezy ride with a Border Terrier. Knowing your canine companion requires patience and time, but investing effort in research prepares you better. Follow this guide to get a great start with pet parenting. Most importantly, trust your instincts because you know what’s best for your furry friend.

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